Saturday, June 7, 2008

More Global Warming Please

Hot Earth 2

If I haven't already ticked off a liberal with something I've said on my blog, I just did with this post title.  Seriously though, where is summer?  I'm hearing of seasonable temperatures all over the country, but we're still in the dead of winter in the Portland area.  I'm glad to see "Global Warming" is alive and well.  Wait...I'm's called "Climate Change" now.  I would like the climate to change.  We had one week of 90 degree weather a month ago and it's been in the 50's and raining ever since.  I seriously thought it was going to snow the other day.

I am going to ask the question regardless of the cliche factor: How is the weather where you are?


preacherman said...

It has been a 105 everyday for the last week. Today was 102. The wind blowing the heat is just aweful. I believe that the earth is definately hotter than usaul.

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Too funny! I'm an Oregonian as well. I agree; what warming? I got my winter coat back out and it's almost mid-June. Say what? I'd like to see some sun sometime. God bless you!

Susan said...

I'm a new reader here. My husband and I are missionaries in Vancouver, BC, just up the coast a bit, and our weather is still cold and rainy too.

I've enjoyed the little bit I've had the chance to read on your blog. We were both raised in IFB churches, and we still are strogly IFB. I appreciate your balance in dealing with the "IFBx" stuff - there is room for improvement, but can't throw the whole thing away just because some went to extremes.

Our son just finished his first year at WCBC and is singing in a tour group this year. I just found on his itinerary that he will be at your church on July 6th, evening service. His name is Sam, and he's a great guy, if I do say so myself! ;) Hope you get to meet him.

Thanks for your balance, and I will be coming back for more!

Adam Gonnerman said...

It's in the upper 90's today (June 9) in NJ. We are in the middle of a heat wave that is supposed to last until Tuesday or Wednesday, I think.

I remember VERY hot summers with no AC in Missouri when I was growing up. That was in the 1980s. No one was really talking about global warming then. That's not to say global warming isn't happening, but that I don't think it's safe to trust individual perceptions and memories to judge what's happening. That's why we have science and the scientific method.

Reforming Baptist said...

It's been in the high 70's in the Bay's slowly warming up.