Friday, June 20, 2008

A Joke about Two Jewish Guys

Already you're thinking: this is going to get Chris in trouble. I'm sorry if you find this offensive or blasphemous. I don't think a reasonable person will. Here goes:

Two Jewish men have been friends since childhood. Several times a week, they would go on a walk together at the end of the day. One would always ask, "How was your day?" The other replied, "Fine. How was yours?" The first said, "Fine."

One day, the first Jew asked, "How was your day?" The second replied, "Not so good." The first one asked, "Why?" The other said, "It's my son. I've raised him to be a good Jew, taken him to synagogue every week, taught him the law of God and all of the sudden he wants to become a Christian!"

The first Jew looked at the other and said, "Funny you should say that, my son too! I raised him to be a good Jew, took him to synagogue every week, taught him God's law and now he wants to become a Christian! What should we do?" The other Jew answered, "I don't know, let's go ask the Rabbi."

So, off they went to the synagogue and they told the Rabbi the situation. "Rabbi, Rabbi, it's our boys! We've raised our sons to be good Jews, you've seen us bring them to synagogue every week, we've taught them the law of God and all of the sudden they want to become Christians!"

The Rabbi answered, "That's funny you should say that, my son too! I'm the Rabbi, I've brought him to synagogue with me every week, I've taught him everything I know about God's law, I've raised him to be a good Jew and now he wants to become a Christian!"

The two men asked the Rabbi, "What do we do?" The Rabbi replied, "Let's pray about it."

As they prayed, the whole synagogue started to shake and a loud voice spoke from Heaven, "Funny you should say that, my Son too!"

1 comment:

preacherman said...

This is the funniest.
Thanks for sharing this great post brother.
I really needed to read it after the day I've had.
I enjoy your blog.
I hope you have a wonderful week.