Will Dudding put a very thought provoking post on his blog. You can read it here. We are in the middle of the political cycle so the fodder is readily available.
The thing that never ceases to amaze me is the continual stupidity that flows from any source that leans to the Left. There seems to be no thought process involved in what they are saying. They never think through their positions or statements and consider the end of their thought. They simply spew things that sound good and make a partisan crowd cheer. Their views and statements are vapid at best and moronic at worst. Here is a recent example from Presidential hope-not, Barack Obama.
In response to statements made by President Bush (which weren't necessarily directed at Obama), Barack said that "tough talk" on the part of the Republicans isn't working in dealing with terrorists and their state sponsors. That statement begs the question: "Will weak talk work, Mr. Obama?" Obama also stated that Bush hasn't made America safer. This one really gets me! Since 9/11, America has not been attacked one time. How much safer could President Bush make our country in the last 7 years? He has a perfect record! 100% effectiveness in making us safe! Does Barack think about that before making statements like this? No. Why? Because he doesn't think very much. That much is clear.
There was another classic: "Obamaism" from yesterday's Memorial Day speech when he said:
" Memorial day is a day where we gather to honor our long unbroken line of fallen heroes....some of which I see standing here today"
Either he doesn't know what Memorial day is...or he was speaking to dead people!
That is UNBELIEVABLE! And to think that millions of people want him to be our President...wow.
The thought of Obama in office is utterly terrifying to say the least. I keep telling my starry eyed co-workers to dig deeper than polished speeches. Apparently, all one has to do is say the word, "change," followed by certain meaningless rhetoric to run the country.
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