Saturday, May 5, 2007

What Did He Say?

Ayman al-Zawahri (pictured here) is al-Qaeda's second in command. An article on quotes this man saying some of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. The article references Zawahri's mockery of a Congressional bill that would set a date for the pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq. Zawahri said (prepare to laugh...hard), "This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap." He went on to say that they are asking Allah to allow the troops to stay until 200,000 to 300,000 are killed.

Fact check:

1. al-Qaeda did not set a trap for us in Iraq.
2. Destroying the American forces in Iraq is an impossibility for the terrorists.

Does anybody else find these statements comical? It sounds to me like a little bit of reverse psychology. I get it Mr. Zawahri, pretend like you're against the troop pull out, then maybe the West will be for it. Sorry, I don't buy it.

Let me put it in perspective here. Just over 3000 U.S. soldiers have been killed since March 2003 when we went into Iraq. I don't count that as a trivial thing at all. God bless their sacrifice and their families. This means we have lost about 750 troops per year in Iraq. At the current rate, that would mean we would have to stay in Iraq for the next 262 years in order for Zawarhi to get his wish of 200,000 (that was the low figure) U.S. casualties. If he really wanted the high figure (300,000 U.S. casualties), that would mean we'd have to stay for another 396 years. Do you think Zawahri and his buddies really want that? I don't think so. He is truly a raving lunatic.

1 comment:


Good thought. I agree it's pretty comical.