Sunday, May 13, 2007


Brokeback Mountain is truly one of the most wicked movies to ever hit the mainstream. The story of homosexual cowboys was an obvious attack on the family and morals in general by the liberal movie makers in Hollywood. If you look on the bottom of the picture, you'll see this tag line for the movie: "Love is a force of nature." A homosexual relationship is not love, it's sin. However, that tag might be very appropriate, considering sin is the nature of fallen man. Enough about the movie.

An article on tells the story about the family of a 12 year old girl who is suing the Chicago Board of Educators because a substitute teacher showed this movie to her class. When I was 12, my teacher showed the Little Mermaid. How stupid can people involved in public education actually be? I guess it never occurred to this sub that a movie theater wouldn't let a 12 year old in to watch an R-rated movie. Apparently, this teacher didn't want these children to be deprived of the "entertainment," so she decided to bring it to them. Stories of wickedness and stupidity from the public school cease to amaze me. It's no wonder the average young person in America is as warped as they are. With this kind of indoctrination, what more could you expect?


Reforming Baptist said...

Michael Savage puts it so nicely: "Liberalism is a mental disorder!"


Wow, what a story. I can't believe an educater would allow that to be shown in a school.

We know what Jesus thinks of the movie, but can you imagine what John Wayne would think of the movie.

Check out the cartoon:
