I got a new Bible for Christmas (around the last time I posted something on this blog). It has a ton of lined pages in the back for taking notes. It’s the perfect place to write down quotes I hear during sermons. Here are a few of my favorites from the last couple months.
“Problems are not for solving, they are for growing.”
“We should want influence…not to be seen, but that Christ might be seen through us.” – Doug Fisher
“Influence is not what we are before people. Influence is what we are before God.” – Doug Fisher
“Confusion ensues when we forget what God has said about the matter.”
“Don’t give until it hurts. Give until it feels good.”
“The Gospel is only Good News for a lost person if it gets there on time.”
“Fear is a tool of the devil. Faith is a tool of God.” – Larry Smith
“Courage is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.”
“Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed.”
Which one is your favorite? Have you heard a good quote lately?