I remember when I was a kid and people had to call you at your house and leave a message on your answering machine. You could then respond to people at your leisure. People in today's culture couldn't imagine life without a cell phone. How could you possibly survive?! Keep in mind that the vast majority of the world survived just fine without a cell phone for all of human history up until the last 10-15 years. Not only would it free me from the digital leash, it would also save me $75-$100 a month. I'm also thinking about getting an iPod Touch to replace the calendar, tasks, email, etc. functions of my current Blackberry. The drawback is that I'd only be "connected" when I was within range of an open Wi-Fi network. In the end, I don't think that would be a big deal. Being "dis-connected" would be the point of getting rid of the cell phone.
Do you think you could function without a cell phone? Do you think I should give it a shot?
I could function fine without a cell phone as I seldom answer the one I have. The main reason I have one is so that my wife and family can reach me. Otherwise, I look at who is calling and 90% of the time ignore the call.
Wow, that is a challenge! If I got a land line at home, I guess being between the office and home I could probably do it, but I just love the convenience!!!!
Beside, I don't have to answer the phone when everyone calls, I can call them back at my convenience and make the cell phone work on my terms.
How about no internet? I still know a few stone agers out there who don't have it!
Thanks for the feedback. Both of you mentioned the idea of using the cell phone on "your terms" and answering at your discretion. My first thought is that I'd be paying $100/month for a really fancy answering machine. Again, I think I'd rather go without.
Will, I agree that between being at the office and at home would keep me covered. Going without the internet? That's another story...
Many people are able to function without a cell phone. There are many other options for contacting each other that are cheaper. I have a cell phone but it is a pay as you go plan that costs me between $20 to $30 each month. It has unlimited text and unlimited phone calls to certain cell phone providers. As long as you are careful about who you call and make most of your calls on weekend you are fine. However, I left my cell phone in San Francisco last week and survived for a week although it was inconvenient. That's what a cell phone is, a convenience not a necessity.
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