Friday, September 26, 2008


I'm teaching a lesson in my adult Bible class this Sunday about passing on a heritage of holiness to our children.  I'm going to make this statement:

I know holiness is unpopular in the world.  It's always been that way.  The day holiness becomes unpopular with God's people is a sad and dangerous day.

The thought seriously challenged me and I thought it might do the same for you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Teaching My Son the Deity of Christ

I was having a conversation with my 3 year old son the other night and I was trying to teach him the deity of Christ.  I think he got a hold of that truth, but he got a little confused by another point.  Here's how the conversation went:

Me: "David, when we pray, who do we talk to?"

David: "Jesus!"

Me: "That's right!  Did you know that Jesus is God?"

David: "Jesus is God?"

Me: "Yes!  When you pray, you talk to Jesus and God because Jesus is God!"

David: "I talk to God, I talk to Jesus and I talk to Mary..."

Me: "No, you don't talk to Mary."

David: "You don't talk to Mary?"

Me: "No.  Mary is a person, not God."

David: "Mary is a person?"

Me: "Yes.  She's a person like Mommy."

David: "I can't talk to Mommy?"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Right-Wing Media Bias?

Media Bias

I have to admit that I don't listen to a lot of left wing TV or radio.  However, I've been giving myself a good laugh every now and then and checking it out.  I don't know if this is a new charge (I've been told it isn't), but I've heard for the first time that the media is bias to the Right.  Barack Obama made this charge in an interview recently.

This idiocy further proves that people on the far Left truly live in a fantasy world.

Having heard this charge, I figured I'd check to see if it was true.  By the way, "truth" is a value the Left has no interest in.  I went to several of the mainstream media web sites to see what headlines they had about Sarah Palin.  She is the most popular figure on the Right at the moment, so I figured she'd be a good litmus test.  Here is what my research uncovered:

Do you need any more examples?  These are the headlines right now.  I'm looking forward to see how the mainstream media "endorses" the Republican ticket over the next two months.  When I listen to the Left make moronic claims like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  These people make up almost half my country!  They are completely out of touch with reality and two of them are running to lead this nation.  Scary.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Abraham's Obedience

This is part of my lesson for my Adult Bible class tomorrow.  It's actually part of a sermon I have preached before called "Faith Equals Obedience."  It puts the obedience of Abraham found in Genesis 22 in an understandable and challenging way.  I'll just cut and paste from the outline of my lesson.  Think on these things...

  • The Timing of Abraham’s Obedience (vs. 3)

    • He rose early the next day.

    • God never told him when to do this.

    • Abraham: “I know what God wants me to do, so I’m going to do it.”

    • Abraham’s obedience was immediate.

    • Delayed obedience is disobedience.

    • If God has commanded, don’t sit around and wonder. Obey!

  • The Trust in Abraham’s Obedience (vs. 5, 7-8)

    • Remember, God had asked him to do an unthinkable thing.

    • vs. 5 “…I and the lad will go…and come again to you.”

    • He knew what God had told him to do, but he believed God would deliver.

      • He may not have known how…we may not either.

    • vs. 7-8

      • Others around you may start wondering.

      • Abraham believed God would provide.

  • The Totality of Abraham’s Obedience (vs. 9-10)

    • No matter what, Abraham’s obedience would be complete.

    • He believed God would provide, but he still built the altar, he still bound his son and he still raised the knife.

    • When God gives you orders, decide from that start that you will follow through to the end.