I have to admit that I don't listen to a lot of left wing TV or radio. However, I've been giving myself a good laugh every now and then and checking it out. I don't know if this is a new charge (I've been told it isn't), but I've heard for the first time that the media is bias to the Right. Barack Obama made this charge in an interview recently.
This idiocy further proves that people on the far Left truly live in a fantasy world.
Having heard this charge, I figured I'd check to see if it was true. By the way, "truth" is a value the Left has no interest in. I went to several of the mainstream media web sites to see what headlines they had about Sarah Palin. She is the most popular figure on the Right at the moment, so I figured she'd be a good litmus test. Here is what my research uncovered:
- Newsweek.com
- Headline: Bristol's Choice
- Tag Line: Republicans and the illusion of reproductive choice
- CNN.com
- New York Times
- MSNBC.com
- Headline: McCain, Palin Criticize Obama on Earmarks
- Tag Line: Palin's home state remains largest per-capita consumer of federal funds
Do you need any more examples? These are the headlines right now. I'm looking forward to see how the mainstream media "endorses" the Republican ticket over the next two months. When I listen to the Left make moronic claims like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. These people make up almost half my country! They are completely out of touch with reality and two of them are running to lead this nation. Scary.
1 comment:
I am constantly astonished at the idiocy of the average American. I heard Michael Savage recently say that he doesn't have much respect for the average American voter and I have to agree. Just talking to a guy recently who I thought would know better told me he was thinking about voting for Obama, even after I sent him a video about Obama's vote in the Illinois state legislature against giving aid to new born babies who survived botched abortions.
This guy had no idea what the difference between socialism and a free market was or what the tennants or examples of either would be. I told him that his right to vote was actually dangerous and that until he took some classes on economics and ethics, he should suspend his right to vote.
To make it worse, every four years, the Democrat choices for president get worse and worse. I can remember as far back as Dukakis vrs. Bush in '88 and as a kid I understood that if a man was weak on national defense, we would be creamed by the USSR.
Then there was Clinton: weak on defense, socialist and a moral reprobate.
Then there was Gore: an environmentalist wacko, with contempt for the military, a socialist with the same moral values as Clinton.
Then there was Kerry: a passifist, who not only had contempt for the military, but tried to pretend he was a war hero. A socialst, and one who has the moral integrity of a ally cat.
Now there's Obama: not sure if he's an apostate Christian or a closet Muslim; a socialist, contempt for the military and literally hatred for the country he wants to govern; not to mention the same morally bankrupt values.
And what's amazing is, 1/2 of our population is exactly like this, at least on election day. Out ship is sinking fast.
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