Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oregonian Irrationality

In a letter to the editor of the Gresham Outlook, an individual that identifies themselves as C. K. Holton makes this statement about President Bush: "I do not know if he studied this king or Adolph Hitler, but the outcome is the same."

You can read his short letter by clicking here and scrolling down.

Over-the-top statements like this are commonplace among Leftists. Think...is the outcome of the Bush administration really the same as Hitler's dictatorship?

America has occupied a country, Hitler occupied a continent. Our enemy is evil, Hitler's enemies were largely innocent. Maybe tens of thousands have died as a result of the current war (one must consider the fact that nearly the same amount would have died had we never gone in to Iraq), 50 million died as a result of World War II.

I wish liberals would think before they speak.


preacherman said...

Wonder thoughts on this topic.
Keep up the great word! :-)

Reforming Baptist said...

Ya me too...and they're the ones with the bumper stickers that say: "Think, it's patriotic"