Saturday, April 12, 2008


Numbers 1

I think I've come to a conclusion about an issue that really isn't important.  (Aren't Baptists really good at that?)  Every now and then I hear or read about somebody criticizing someone else because that someone else "only cares about numbers."  Usually they're talking about a pastor or ministry that has expressed some kind of passion for reaching more people with the Gospel or growing numerically.  I've heard it said about such men as Paul Chappell or Jack Schaap.  Dr. Schaap just released a very compelling book called Where are We Going?  In a nutshell, the book chronicles the decline of fundamental Baptist influence in America over the last 30 years.  This is the kind of book that draws the criticism I'm talking about here.

Here's my take: I think criticism about this issue is pointless and ignorant.  Is the ministry all about numbers?  More people in the pews?  More people saved and baptized?  Of course not.  However, I don't think that emphasizing numerical growth is unbiblical or carnal.  It can be, but we can't judge another man's heart in that respect.

Jesus did say to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."  1 Peter 3:9 tells us that God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."  1 Timothy 2:4 says that God "will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."  There are over 6 billion people on planet earth.  God wants every one of them to be saved.  Why is it wrong for us to emphasize greater numbers when God doesn't want us to miss even one?

Of course, a Calvinist or one who believes in sovereign election will have a hard time with this.  I don't believe in arbitrary election by God regarding who will be saved and who won't...but that's for another post.

If numbers are your god or your measure for success in life and ministry, then there's a problem.  However, there is nothing wrong with having and expressing a passion to reach more people with the message of the Gospel.  God Himself has given us a numerical goal...the whole world!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thank You...Thank You Very Much

Michael A. Monsoor

Navy SEAL Michael Monsoor

Please take 11 minutes and watch President Bush present Michael's parents with the Medal of Honor given to their son posthumously.  You can see that video by clicking here.  Thank you again, Michael.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spirituality vs. Religion

Bright Light

Dennis Prager was discussing a very interesting subject on his syndicated radio show today.  If you don't know who Dennis is, you can find out more about him at his website.  He is a very conservative, religious Jew.  He has very strong morals.  I agree with about 95% of what he says.  The areas I usually disagree with him on have something to do with the Bible or religion.  By the way, he knows the Torah inside and out.  I don't believe he understands it, but he knows it.  If he understood it, he'd see the obvious types of Christ found in it.

Anyway, the subject he covered during the Ultimate Issues hour today was: Spirituality vs. Religion.  He argues strongly for being involved in some kind of organized religion.  One of his points is that any substantive spirituality must come from a source.  Jews get theirs from the Old Testament.  Christians get theirs from the Bible.  Muslims get theirs from the Quran, etc.  As I listened to people call in about their "spirituality," a thought occurred to me.  People are OK with being "spiritual" as long as they aren't accountable to anyone or anything (a pastor, church, holy text or especially God).  They want to be "spiritual" on their terms.

Many people like this who called in referred to "god" or a "higher power."  The funny things is, if God exists or if there is some "higher power," that means He is in charge!  They reference this "higher power" but they don't submit to it.  They want to be in charge.  That is the ultimate sign of pride in man.

You see, if you want to worship God, you have to do it His way.  Jesus said in John 4:23, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."  In essence, religion is man's understanding of how God wants them to worship Him.  That said, man certainly isn't right about this all the time.  In fact, he's wrong about this most of the time.  That is why there are so many false religions in the world today.

The way I see it, there are three kinds of religions:

1. A religion that worships a false god.

2. A religion that worships the true God the wrong way.

3. A religion that worships the true God the right way.

God is only pleased with option number 3. 

Religion is certainly better than spirituality.  Why?  Because religion is worshiping God and that is the highest form of spirituality.  The key is having the right religion.  When you worship God, you'd better be sure you're doing it the way He wants you to.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Making a Difference

Her name is Michell. I didn't spell that wrong, there is no "e" on the end of her name. She is one of the most faithful attendees of our Saturday night service at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. She is one of 100+ ladies who lovingly refer to that service as "church." We sing, we preach and we grow together in the Lord. Ladies trust Christ as Saviour every week. It is definitely church.

Michell also cuts hair in the salon inside the prison. I thought that was strange at first, but it is just one of the many life skills that can be learned while in prison that can be used productively on the "outside." She cut my hair this morning and she did a great job.

Michell was interviewed for an article that appeared in the Wilsonville Spokesman (the local paper). The article was about religious services in the prison. It was a great blessing to me and the other volunteers to read the testimony of a life that was changed. You can read that article by clicking here. Let it bless you and encourage you to keep serving the Lord and making a difference.