November 4th, 2007 will be a historical day for Timberline Baptist Church. Tomorrow morning, we will have our first Sunday services in our new building. God has blessed TBC in a powerful way in its first six years of existence. The church sits on 7 acres of land and will move in to a 2.8 million dollar, 20,000 square foot building tomorrow. We are truly entering a new chapter in our history. I'm glad to be a part of it.

Please pray that our church will continue to be a lighthouse for the Gospel in Sherwood and the surrounding areas. Also, pray for the final details on the building to be completed without problems over the next few weeks.
You are in my prayer brother.
Know that God is with you and that you can do all thing through Christ. Remember greather is he that is in YOU than he who is in the world. Remember that God has given you a spirit not a spirit of timidity but of POWER. Remember that you are more than CONQUERORS through Christ Jesus. Keep pressing forward. Keep trust Him. Keep your faith in God. Remember He is your Strength & Comfort your ever present HELP in times of TROUBLE. God is your Refuge. God is your FOUNDATION. He has given you as HOPE and a FUTURE.
Remember this is just a milestone for TIMBERLINE. As you and your church climb the Mountain together.
I will keep you, your family and church in my prayers.
God bless you brother.
Wow that is a nice church! -janet
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