Perhaps you know that my wife is about 6 months pregnant. Well, she went to the doctor today for the ultrasound and we found out we're having a girl! If you don't know my son, you can get to know him
here. Now that we'll have a boy and a girl, we might be done.
Here is something for you to pray about: choosing a name for our new baby. I think my wife and I will need marriage counseling before this is all over. I like the name Elena. She wants to name the baby Jocelyn. I'll keep you posted on the results of this fight...err...discussion.
Kim brought home some pictures from the ultrasound and one of them is absolutely hilarious. The way the machine took the picture makes our baby look like Emperor Palpatine from
Star Wars. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then that means nothing to you. If you do know what I'm talking about (i.e. you are a
Star Wars junkie), then you are laughing right now. As soon as I can scan that photo, I'll add it to this post. Stay tuned for that, you'll like it.
On the serious side, pray for my wife and I about having another child at home. When I told my pastor that Kim was pregnant, his first statement was this: "One is fun, but two is like twenty." We're excited about the new baby, but we also realize that the responsibility doesn't just add up, it multiplies.