Thursday, August 16, 2007

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I recently started a new job here in Oregon and one of my responsibilities is to drive to construction sites all over the west side of Portland to pick up concrete samples. While driving through Beaverton today, I drove past this sign in front of a "church." When I saw it, I had to pull over to take a picture.

Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. It is a church made of Lutherans and Catholics...and they are proud of it! I don't agree with every thing Luther taught, but I have a feeling he'd roll over in his grave if he knew about this "church." Notice that they have a "Father" and a "Pastor."

You can find their website here. Here is an excerpt from their homepage: "Mission of the Atonement is a community of Roman Catholics and Lutherans. We are a single community of two traditions, with each maintaining its own identity. We respect our two traditions, while at the same time we celebrate our unity in Christ." What these people don't understand is that you can't sacrifice truth for unity. Since neither Lutherans or Catholics preach truth, I guess it's easy to see how they'd decide to just hold hands. You can also find information about a "covenant" they made with a local Islamic mosque after 9-11. It all sounds good on the surface, but understanding Bible teaching regarding end times and the False Prophet really makes this whole situation a little scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Wonder how communion is taught there.

God Bless.