Monday, February 11, 2008

Jacquelynn Marie Casillas

It's official, we have a baby girl!  Jacquelynn was born at 8:41 last night.  She was 21 inches long and weighed 7 pounds and 6 ounces.  She's actually a little heftier than her brother was.  Here are some first pictures of the little beauty.


Here she is sleeping soundly.  She's a pretty good sleeper.


Jacquelynn with a proud Grandma Knutsen.


I'm a pretty proud dad too!

It was a good day.  Kim was in labor for about six hours after being induced at 11:30 AM.  The night wasn't over after everyone left the hospital.  My sister, Casey, was taking my son home in my car and she got side swiped at an intersection.  I was on the scene of the accident at midnight.  That wasn't exactly the first thing I wanted to do after being in the hospital all day.  Casey and David are fine.  The front bumper of my car is tied on with vinyl twine.

I really only wanted to remember February 10th for one reason, but now there's two.  Thanks for all your prayers!