Anybody who has trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour knows that He truly makes a change in your life. Last week, I saw an example of that like I've never seen before. My pastor was out of town on Sunday, so he asked me to preach the Sunday morning service. A lady in our church had led her boss to Christ on Wednesday and had invited her to church on Sunday. The sad part was that this newly saved lady was planning on moving to Phoenix the following weekend. This would be her only opportunity to attend our church!
Well, she came to the service and absolutely loved it! She told her co-worker (our church member) that she had changed her mind about moving to Phoenix and that she wanted to stay here in Sherwood, OR and become a member of our church! Keep in mind, she had only been saved for four days!
It was an awesome thing to see God work in the life of such a new believer and witness her desire for God's Word and fellowship with God's people. The Gospel will change people's lives!